The possibility is offered to carry out laboratory activities indicated for children aged 4 and adults up to 90.

Let’s shed some light on botany

Thanks to supports such as light table and stereoscope, children can observe the details of the fascinating world of plants.

Let’s learn how to make a cutting

The children, under the guidance of the referents, have the opportunity to experience the propagation activities of some spontaneous plant species. At the end of the activities, participants will be able to bring with them the plants reproduced by cuttings to be placed in their homes.

How many shapes does a garden have?

The children, under the guidance of the referents, have the opportunity to observe the great variety of natural forms in the botanical garden and to represent them on a sheet of paper with a charcoal.

Treasure hunt

Children, under the guidance of the referents, will discover the treasures of the plant world by consulting the supplied map.

A painter in the garden

Children will assist in the extraction of natural pigments from plants and use them to represent a corner of the Garden.


  • Let's shed some light on botany
    5,00 €
  • Let's learn how to make a cutting
    5,00 €
  • How many shapes does a garden have?
    5,00 €
  • Treasure hunt
    5,00 €
  • A painter in the garden
    7,00 €